Blog posts
Enhancing dam safety through contractual strategies
Dam safety is crucial to ensure the long-term sustainability and the multiple benefits of dam projects, and is the primary condition for acceptance of dams by civil society. Dam failures worldwide continue to be too numerous, and the International Commission on Large Dams (ICOLD) has recently issued a ‘World declaration on Dam Safety’ [ICOLD, 20191] […]
New FIDIC Committee Webinar Series
This webinar will provide an opportunity for member associations (MAs) to discuss how FIDIC can improve the effectiveness of its communications and engagement with members to ensure that MAs feel better connected to FIDIC and that FIDIC is able to get its message across to MAs’ member firms thereby increasing the effectiveness and visibility of […]

Fidic President’s list of adjudicators
It is a pleasure to inform you that I’ve just been listed on the FIDIC President’s List of Dispute Adjudicators, as DAB / DAAB (Dispute Avoidance / Adjudication Board). A DAB / DAAB is a panel of independant and impartial experts. It is normally set up before construction begins. The DAB / DAAB shall be […]